Dedicated to ethical training
Harnessing the latest evidence-based behaviour modification techniques to help your cherished compaw-nion!

With skill and expertise, training not only enhances a pet's quality of life but also safeguards the relationships between people and animals.
Training goes beyond simply teaching animals cute tricks. It is an essential aspect of animal care, equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive in our world.
How We ContributeOur Behaviour & Training Services
we offer a range of private training and adventure walk & train services
Join us for exciting half-day stimulating, fruitful excursions to explore far-flung places on our Sunny Island! Our Walk & Train service is conducted by certified dog trainers, where we teach your pup new skills outdoors in a fun and engaging way.
Certified, educated and trusted professionals in animal behaviour and welfare, with more than a collective 15 years experience working with animals.

MSc in Applied Animal Behaviour & Animal Welfare (University of Edinburgh), Certified Shelter Dog Behaviour Consultant (IAABC), Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer (CSAT), Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Skills Assessed (CPDT-KSA), Certified Fear Free Professional Trainer, AVS Accredited Certified Dog Trainer (AVS-ACDT)

BA. in Psychology, Accredited Dog Trainer (IAABC), Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA), Certified Fear Free Professional Trainer, Certified Professional Canine Fitness Trainer (CPCFT), AVS Accredited Certified Dog Trainer (AVS-ACDT)

Looking to upskill your employees in animal behaviour and training? We have successfully trained pet industry professionals such as daycare / boarding / pet shop staff, veterinarians and tertiary students (e.g. polytechnics / universities).
Contact us for a bespoke programme that will benefit your business and clients!